What Proctology Exams Teach Us About Social Media

If you are just starting out on the social media trail, and are feeling more than a little overawed by the tasks in front of you, read this first.

Chris Reimer takes a humourous look at social media trepidation, and sets out the 8 basic facts that should give you the extra confidence to needed to knuckle down.

1. Everyone’s afraid to get started.

2. You have to fully undress.

3. Abdication of consciousness.

4. You better use the correct tools.

5. It takes a sensitive touch.

6. You might be afraid to discover the truth.

7. The procedure sometimes leads to much more.

8. Sometimes you need to go beyond manual.


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Ian Smith
Dr Ian Smith

32 years of marketing experience to help small businesses understand the world of website marketing.
